Dr. Immaculate L. Nankya, MD, PhD
Onsite Laboratory Director
Rustbelt CFAR Role: Core DirectorImmaculate Nankya, MD, PhD has been the on-site laboratory director of Core C’s virology laboratory since completing her PhD from CWRU in 2009 as a Fogarty fellow. She has faculty appointments in the Dept. of Molecular Biology and Microbiology at CWRU and at Makerere University, in addition to being a senior scientist at the JCRC. She is coordinating numerous HIV drug resistance studies. She is PI for an EDCTP-funded project focused on the effect of minority HIV variants in response to ART in HIV positive babies. She is also involved in HIV/Cancer studies as well as Cure research. Dr. Nankya mentors students doing their Master’s and PhD research projects in Core C labs. She is a member of the National HIV Drug Resistance Technical Working Group and the WHO HIV Drug Resistance Technical working group.
Email: iln@case.edu
Phone: +256 701 974134
Joint Clinical Research Center
Plot 101 Lubowa Hill Road
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cfarcwrumembers@rustbeltcfar.org | Rustbelt CFAR CWRU Members |