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"Drug-drug interactions between hormones and antiretrovirals", presented by Dr. Kimberly Scarsi

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The Sex and Gender Scientific Working Group of the Rustbelt Center for AIDS Research was excited to present Dr. Kimberly Scarsi, "Drug-drug interactions between hormones and antiretrovirals". The webinar can be viewed here:

Please see Dr. Scarsi’s bio below:

Kimberly Scarsi, PharmD, MS, FCCP is a Professor and the Vice Chair of PhaDr. Kimberly Scarsi Imagermacy Practice and Science at the University of Nebraska Medical Center (UNMC), with appointments in both the College of Pharmacy and College of Medicine. In addition, she is an Associate Director of the UNMC Antiviral Pharmacology Laboratory (APL), and AIDS Clinical Trials Group (ACTG) Pharmacology Support Laboratory. Dr. Scarsi’s research program focuses on optimizing pharmacologic therapies for persons living with HIV, with an emphasis on global health and sex/gender related issues. Her research program is supported by the National Institutes of Health and the AIDS Clinical Trials Group, where she is a scientific member of the Women’s Health Collaborative Science Group. Locally, Dr. Scarsi is a clinical consultant in the UNMC HIV clinic. Nationally she serves as a consultant for the National Institutes of Health COVID treatment guidelines and recently completed a term on the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) Panel on Antiretroviral Guidelines for Adults and Adolescents and the NIH Office of AIDS Research Advisory Council.